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Showing posts from July, 2017

感謝您 Datuk Yang Chien Chu

感謝您 如果說父恩如山 母恩似海 那您就是我們心中 巍巍的大山 深邃的大海 在大家最失落的時刻 是您點起了明燈 在我們最無助的時候 有您撐起一片天 您是我們的天 讓我們從無到有 您是我們的地 讓我們無後顧憂 您是我們的唯一 沒有您 就沒有這一切 您是我們的永遠 護佑我們 走向希望 走向永遠 感謝您當我們的靠山 給我們最多的愛 感謝您當我們的天地 為我們開天闢地 我們會追逐您的腳步 讓愛繼續下去 我們會發揚您的精神 讓愛發光發熱 感謝您 感謝您 我們永遠 愛 您

SK Jewellery - TRUE LOVE

The Book Of True Love True love begins when nothing is looked for in return. – Antoine De Saint- Exupery The Ultimate Symbol of True Love – The magical combination of a ring and a diamond was given as an engagement ring in Italy in 1503. Today, centuries later, the diamond ring is the most recognized symbol of true love. Magnificent, rare and thoroughly unique, the True Love diamond from Belgium is the quintessential diamond for an engagement ring. Its precise perfection in proportions, symmetry and polish unleash breathtaking fire, life and brilliance, giving it its exceptional beauty like no other. “ Certified by the world’s highest grading standards, True Love diamonds are graded with the highest possible rating for the overall proportions, polish and symmetry by 3 of the world’s most established and reputable independent gemology laboratories in America and Belgium. Only the highest achievable cut grading standards across these laboratories are selecte