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Showing posts from July, 2023


Free Creative Commons Black Soldier Fly Larvae (reuse allowed)

Use this free for download non-copyright video under Creative Commons for your projects.

Regal Angelfish's human uses

The royal angelfish is considered to be harmless to humans, and has minor commercial use in the aquarium industry.  It is valued by aquarium hobbyists for being one of the few "reef safe"  angelfish  as its diet is composed primarily of sponges, and does not include corals. Watch

Tema Hari Kebangsaan 2023 Tekad Perpaduan Penuhi Harapan

  Menteri Komunikasi dan Digital, Fahmi Fadzil berkata, pemilihan tema untuk Hari Kebangsaan 2023 selari dengan tekad dan komitmen kerajaan untuk membangunkan sebuah negara dengan rakyatnya yang bersatu padu, memiliki semangat perpaduan tinggi serta hidup dalam keadaan aman dan sejahtera. Menurutnya, tema Tekad Perpaduan Penuhi Harapan juga didukung konsep Malaysia Madani sebagai kunci utama, yang diinspirasikan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim bagi memastikan rakyat mengecapi segala bentuk kemajuan dan kemodenan berteraskan kemampanan budaya bangsa, berdaya cipta, keyakinan, kesejahteraan, hormat-menghormati dan ihsan.

Message from Joseph Sta Maria 3rd Asian Portuguese Community Conference

 "Selamat Datang! Bong Dia! Allow me to begin by welcoming all of you to the 3rd Asian Portuguese Community Conference. When we decided to have the first APCC in 2016, we were uncertain of its response. The questions were: can the idea be achievable, will there be interest from the community, can it be successful? Honestly, there were doubts initially. Well, we felt that it could be possible. It could be achievable. We were confident that there would be sufficient interest. But, can it be realized? Can it happen? To ensure and hope that the 1st APCC succeeded I traveled to Bangkok to the Portuguese Embassy, I also visited the Kg. Tugu Portuguese community in Jakarta, Indonesia and went to Timor Leste several times. And at these places I met many members of the community who were as passionate as I was, who supported and shared the idea. I am glad, we in Malacca had successfully achieved what was beyond our expectations. This is one of the greatest moments of my life. The team whic...

Message from H.E. Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao 3rd Asian Portuguese Community Conference

 "Once more it is my great honor to address to the Asian Portuguese Communities, on the occasion of their 3rd conference. It takes a great deal of passion and commitment to carry out an event this challenging and yet with such ambition and belief. For that, allow me to salute the APCC's organizing committee, congratulating them for standing firmly by their project since 2016, despite the challenges and constraints we all have experienced in the past years. Friendship, solidarity and common grounds are always a great pretext for new cooperation initiatives, work projects, gatherings and celebration. However, the APCC initiative goes way beyond nowadays' motivations, and aims to rescue from a distant past the links that set a common history between several peoples. The sense of belonging, the pride in our roots and identity and the daily expression of these even in our most simple actions as individuals and as part of a community, settle the need for sharing, for communion a...

Message from Fernando de La Vieter Nobre M.D. PhD 3rd Asian Portuguese Community Conference

 "The 3rd Asian Portuguese Community Conference (APCC) that will take place in Malacca, once again, one of the most emblematic landmarks of the Portuguese presence in the Indian Ocean, is extremely important to the future of those communities and to Portugal. These communities scattered from Indonesia to Sri Lanka and beyond, in spite of all their peculiarities, have much in common: the language (the Kristang/Papiamento/the Indo-Portuguese), culture, gastronomy and love for their uniqueness found in their religiosity, in their nicknames, music and folklore. In a moment of great concern of mine about the World situation, I want to launch a vehement and hopeful appeal for Portugal's imperative need and responsibility to defend the causes, ethics, values and principles of tolerance, dialogue and humanity, without which I do not personally see a promising future. It is crucial to assimilate the ideals of Fraternity, participating in the genesis of a new human paradigm: fairer, mor...

Message Datuk Abdul Razak bin Abdul Rahman Portuguese Settlement 3rd Asian Portuguese Community Conference

“On behalf of the vibrant city of Melaka, it is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to all of you attending the 3 rd Asian Portuguese Community Conference. Melaka, with its rich history, cultural diversity, and captivating heritage, promises to be the perfect host for this esteemed gathering.   Melaka, holds a unique position as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, showcasing a harmonious blend of various cultures that have shaped its identity over the centuries. One of the most intriguing aspects of Melaka is its Portuguese heritage, which adds a distinct flavor to the cultural tapestry of the city.   The Portuguese community in Melaka has a fascinating history that dates back to the 16 th century when the Portuguese colonized the region. Their influence is still evident in the architecture, cuisine, and traditions that have been passed down through generations. Take the opportunity to explore the captivating Portuguese Settlement, a vibrant enclave where you ...

Message Allex Seah Portuguese Settlement 3rd Asian Portugues Community Conference

 “It gives me great pleasure be here with the delegates of the 3 rd Asian Portuguese Community Conference.   I understand that this is the third time such an event is being held in Melaka. I wish to welcome you to our historical State and hope you have a pleasant stay here.   Melaka is made up of many races including several ethnic minorities with unique centuries-old cultural traditions and this includes the Melaka Portuguese community.   I must acknowledge that the Melaka Portuguese community plays an important role towards our State’s promotion in the tourism sector.   The Melaka Portuguese have been localized, with their culture and traditions preserved for hundreds of years.   They have also retained the language of their ancestors. I am told that several hundreds of the local Portuguese words spoken in the Portuguese Settlement are similar to words used in Bahasa Malaysia.   Likewise, several traditional music like the Po...

Portuguese Settlement 3rd Asian Portuguese Community Conference

  3rd conference on Friday 30 June 2023. 8.00-8.30 am Registration of delegates at Temasek Hotel 9.00 am Arrival of invited guests 9.15 am Welcoming address by Organising Chairman Mr. Joseph Sta Maria 9.30 am Official Launch of 3rd APCC Tea Break Cultural Performances 10.30 am Presentation of Conferences Papers Plenary 1 Dr. Margaret Sarkissian, Professor of Music, Smith College, USA. and Dr. Brian Juan O'Neill, Professor of Anthropology, University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE) Plenary 2 Jamian Mohamed, Portuguese Language in Malaysia (Faculty of Languages and Linguistics Studies University of Malaya) Cultural Performances Plenary 3 Joao Abrantes (Tremissis Cultural Group, Portugal) "The importance of traditional music in the Portuguese identity" Plenary 4 Maria Ethel Da Costa - Portuguese influence in Asian cuisine (Goa, India) Plenary 5 Percival Shepherdson (Singapore Eurasion Association) The Singapore Eurasion Association and its Portuguese influence Cultur...