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Showing posts from January, 2024

RM108 春风满面 HAPPINESS HX11301 hamper

​• BALDUCCI Spirali Premium Pack 400gm • LOACKER Napolitaner & Cremka kao 60gm (ITALY) • OATBEDIENT Oat Milk Variety Pack 168gm • DOLLEE Asian Dellcacy 200gm • HERSHEY'S Kisses Creamy Milk Chocolate with Almond 36gm • AMAZIN GRAZE Brownie Chips Dark Chocolate 30gm • SANTE Muesli Granola 350gm (POLAND) • HERSHEY'S Chocolate Chips Cookies 80gm OLITALIA Red Wine Vinegar 500ml (ITALY) - BIRD'S NEST with Ginseng and White Fungus 70ml x 3 • PEONY Blossom Splendour Fortune Basket • Decoratives, Ribbons, Packing Materials & Labour • GBA Greeting Card & Product Freshness Guarantee


  “王舡补运&添载开始报名癸卵年2024" 人生的道路上难免会有些波折,而「扑运」的好处就是将你的人生挫折做祭解加精,让你能够逢凶化吉诸审顺利。 启建癸卯科七朝王雞是神圣既庄严的祭祀,实数难得的一项庆典活动,教希各界县信踊跃前来勇全殿来参拜祈福共沾法喜。 这次七朝王醮特别为善信堂消灾植福。 参拜时(向庙方索取百解替身添寿钱写上胜名),再由道长诵经作法之後,进龙门再绕过王知连同百解符替身送进王舡才转出虎口即可。 进龙门•能增福添寿。 出虎口能消灾解尼。 添寿钱能增添福寿。 替身代人替挡灾难。 黄人扶持,百病消除。 这次王舡合安号将会送走癌疫,带来国家安宁,全民安逸,共享太平。 舡远游天河会按古例为王船添载,所谓添载就是日常维持航行所需的柴米油盐等物资。 为王船添载亦是为王爷的选行准备好物资,也能为信士添加福德,送走灾尼。 "Registration for Wangkang luck replenishment & supplies" There will inevitably be some twists and turns in the road of life, and "replenish luck" means to bless your life, so that you can reduce the setbacks and everything goes smoothly. The 'Ong Cho' is a solemn activity, so it is a must to come to the Yong Chuan Tian Temple to worship and pray. At the time of worship (get the prayer supplies from the temple and write your name on it), and after the Taoist Priest recites the scriptures, you will be asked to enter the dragon gate and then bypass the WangKang and the prayer supplies has

Yong Chuan Tian Temple Wangkang 2024

​ “王舡补运&添载开始报名癸卵年2024" 人生的道路上难免会有些波折,而「扑运」的好处就是将你的人生挫折做祭解加精,让你能够逢凶化吉诸审顺利。 启建癸卯科七朝王雞是神圣既庄严的祭祀,实数难得的一项庆典活动,教希各界县信踊跃前来勇全殿来参拜祈福共沾法喜。 这次七朝王醮特别为善信堂消灾植福。 参拜时(向庙方索取百解替身添寿钱写上胜名),再由道长诵经作法之後,进龙门再绕过王知连同百解符替身送进王舡才转出虎口即可。 进龙门•能增福添寿。 出虎口能消灾解尼。 添寿钱能增添福寿。 替身代人替挡灾难。 黄人扶持,百病消除。 这次王舡合安号将会送走癌疫,带来国家安宁,全民安逸,共享太平。 舡远游天河会按古例为王船添载,所谓添载就是日常维持航行所需的柴米油盐等物资。 为王船添载亦是为王爷的选行准备好物资,也能为信士添加福德,送走灾尼。 "Registration for Wangkang luck replenishment & supplies" There will inevitably be some twists and turns in the road of life, and "replenish luck" means to bless your life, so that you can reduce the setbacks and everything goes smoothly. The 'Ong Cho' is a solemn activity, so it is a must to come to the Yong Chuan Tian Temple to worship and pray. At the time of worship (get the prayer supplies from the temple and write your name on it), and after the Taoist Priest recites the scriptures, you will be asked to enter the dragon gate and then bypass the WangKang and the prayer supplies has