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I like Ovaltine Braised Pork with rice in Bangkok

  Preview Ovaltine Braised Pork With Rice PdgpDS8yy9I?si=CAVD_ DthafU3xF5h We got second in queue line. Order is taken when your turn comes. If one of you in your group is not with you, order will not be taken and your group has to stand aside while the group behind you is allowed to go into the restaurant. 我们在队列中排名第二。 轮到你时会接受命令。 如果你们小组中的一个人不和你在一起,订单将不会被接受, 你的小组必须站在一边,而你身后的小组被允许进入餐厅。 Google directions Dwkf5s1Ny1tzHb527?g_st=ic